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manuj’s blog

October 7, 2021

Three Traits Needed to Become a Successful Entrepreneur

Three traits needed to become a successful entrepreneur

Entrepreneurship requires a certain kind of person to come up with a concept and put it into reality. However, not all of your ideas will pan out. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 50% of small firms fail during the first four years of operation.

It’s hardly a big endorsement for quitting your job and starting your own business.

Entrepreneurs, on the other hand, do not perceive the risk; they see the opportunity. As an entrepreneur, I understand how to invest the time and effort necessary to make my vision a reality.

All successful entrepreneurs share three characteristics are

  • .Flexibility
  • Dedication
  • Persistence

1. Flexibility


Most of the time, what you start out doing isn’t exactly what you end up doing when you’re successful. As you launch your business, you’ll see that some of the things you expected to function don’t. You’ll run into stuff that you weren’t expecting to work.

You’ll observe others in your business doing things that will benefit your company, and you’ll imitate them. You’ll need to be adaptable.

Even if you are one of the fortunate ones who has perfect initial ideas, the world will alter around you. We know a business owner who started out as a residential realtor. When the housing market crashed, he shifted his focus to property management, which requires similar abilities but is counter-cyclical.

Several times, we’ve had to alter our own businesses. Polly founded a company in 2002 to assist small businesses in staying compliant with new labor rules. She intended to conduct audits of human resources. Her strategy has a major weakness.

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The majority of small-business owners do not want to be aware that their company is out of compliance. We had a much broader emphasis when we launched Whitestone Partners. We made every effort to complete the task. However, over time, we’ve honed our services, focusing on assisting businesses with their migrations from micro to small and small to midsize.

It’s crucial to be adaptable. If you want to be an entrepreneur, the only constant in your life will be change. If you don’t adapt, your company will be swept away by the wave of change. Persistence is a close second to adaptation.

2.  Dedication


The ability and willingness to work extremely hard is the third required talent. It’s challenging to run a tiny firm. You’ll be awake for considerably more than eight hours each day.

If your week begins on Monday, you will have worked for 40 hours by Thursday, but you will not have slowed down. You’ll be on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Being a successful entrepreneur necessitates a lot of effort.

Running a small business is difficult, but if you are adaptive, have the will and resources to persevere, and are prepared to put in long hours, you will considerably boost your chances of success.

Adaptability, perseverance, and hard effort are the cornerstones to small-business success, but they are three important traits that no maverick should lack.

Work ethic is something that successful entrepreneurs are well-versed in. They’ll usually be the first ones to arrive at work and the last ones to leave.

If there is unfinished business, they will come into the office on weekends and holidays to finish the task. These are the people who are always thinking about work, even while they are having fun.

3.  Persistence


Inevitably, there will be potholes in the road. You’ll lose a lot of business. Good employees will quit, and some may go to work for competitors.

Regulations will be changed by the government, which will normally make things more complicated. To achieve, you must be willing to persevere in the face of adversity.

Nothing can replace perseverance, and you won’t be able to win without it.

You’ll need more than just the desire to persevere; you’ll also need the financial means to do so. You’ll require a financial reserve to get you through the tough times.

Assume that everything will take twice as long and cost twice as much as you expect when starting a business.

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