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manuj’s blog

June 13, 2022

5 Common Marketing Mistakes New Founders Need to Avoid

marketing mistakes startups should avoid

One of the biggest hurdles when starting a new venture is getting people to know about it. 

This applies to all business startups. But if you’re launching a startup in today’s world, it’s even harder and more important than ever. 

Thanks to the Internet — anyone can start an online business or brand, but that also means there is already lots of competition out there. 

With the increase in competition has come a rise in the number of businesses failing to gain traction. Even startups that have good marketing strategies often make common marketing mistakes that could doom their efforts and lead to failure.

To prevent that, here are 5 marketing mistakes you need to avoid at any cost. 

1. Failure to Set a Clear Marketing Strategy

Without a strategy, it’s hard to know which tactics to prioritize, which channels to focus on, and what your key performance indicators are. 

Without all these things in place, it’s also difficult to measure your success and assess whether or not your marketing efforts are working.

Marketing without a plan is like trying to build a house without blueprints or a vision for what it will look like when finished. 

You’ll likely end up with something that looks nothing like what you had intended, which could have been avoided if you had taken the time to plan ahead and lay the foundation for your business properly.

2. Not Knowing Who Your Target Audience Is

A hand with black market writing audience on a white board with arrows around

It’s important that founders know who their target audience is before they begin marketing their product or service. 

Otherwise, they may waste time and money promoting something that doesn’t resonate with their ideal customer base.

Knowing who your target audience is allows you to tailor messaging specifically toward them instead of using generic language that can alienate potential customers. 

If you are confident about this part, we highly recommend you to check this article: 10 Best Social Media Engagement Ideas For 2022

3. Avoiding the Power of SEO

SEO is a powerful tool which should not be avoiding while marketing your startup

SEO (search engine optimization) is one of the most powerful tools for business owners looking to grow their customer base. 

However, many new entrepreneurs overlook this important aspect of digital marketing & digital transformation because they don’t know where to start or they think it’s too time-consuming. 

To make matters worse, they often hire an SEO company that doesn’t have the experience or expertise needed to do the job right.

If you want to grow your business by getting more leads and sales through organic search, then it’s essential that you invest in an experienced SEO agency. 

This will make sure that your website is search engine friendly which will help you bring not just traffic but leads as well.  

4. Focusing Too Much on Competitors

Many new founders get caught up in what their competitors are doing, rather than focusing on building their own brand and growing their own company. 

They spend so much time looking at what others are doing that they lose sight of their own goals and objectives — which can lead to inadvertently copying them (or worse).

This is particularly true when it comes to social media marketing. It’s easy to get sucked into spending all day every day on Twitter or Facebook. 

And watching what other companies are doing with theirs, instead of working on your own strategy for using those platforms for your business’ benefit. 

That’s time better spent building your own community through content creation or customer support efforts

5. Ignoring Analytics & Data Collection Tools

A man using Google Analytics on his laptop

It’s important to know what your customers want and how they behave. This will help you better serve their needs and ultimately grow your business.

The best way to do this is by collecting data about your customers’ interactions with your brand. 

This means tracking all the different ways they engage with you — from email open rates and clickthrough rates on social media posts to average time spent on your website.

You can use Google Analytics or another type of tool to track this information over time and see what resonates most with your audience.

Related: How to Leverage Historical Data & Predictive Analytics to Improve Customer Experience

Summing Up 

Whether you are a serial entrepreneur in the making or simply venturing into the world of entrepreneurship for the first time, it pays off to be aware of some of the common pitfalls that many entrepreneurs make. 

Because the truth is — startups are hard. But if you’re going to succeed, you need to be able to market your company well — even in the earliest stages of development. 

We hope this was helpful. We recommend reading these as well: 

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